Gotta say, I'm a bit surprised by all the mixed reviews I've been seeing. Penny's Big Breakaway has been my most anticipated game this year, so I had some pretty lofty expectations, especially considering who was working on it. Thankfully, I think it really lived up to them, and I've been having an absolute blast with the game.

The movement is very momentum-based, focused around using your yo-yo tricks in succession to gain and maintain your speed. It's got a bit of a difficulty curve to it. Like in a Sonic game, you're probably gonna screw up a lot in the first world or so, but with time, there's such a strong sense of flow to navigating through these stages. You have so much freedom of expression, to the point where there's rarely one way to make it past an obstacle. You can swing to carefully position your jump, dash to keep the speed up, land on your yo-yo to keep your combo going, or chain them all together and maybe even skip a few platforms. It's so good, and the level design feels meticulously crafted to encourage you to go fast.

But beyond the core gameplay, PBB is just so fun. The visuals are bright and colorful, and each world has such unique and fresh theming, like an Italian-style restaraunt set in a volcano or a library floating in an endless void in space. The animation for Penny is so lively and expressive, the NPCs are so charmingly written, and I shouldn't have to say that the soundtrack by Tee Lopes and Sean Bialo goes incredibly hard. Outside The Eidophusikon is already a solid candidate for best vgm track of the year.

PBB isn't without its jank, but as a fan of 3D platformers from the early 2000s, it scratches an itch I haven't been able to scratch since probably A Hat In Time? In a lot of ways, it feels like this game was made for me.

Reviewed on Feb 22, 2024


3 months ago

I’m surprised too at the harsh reception here. The game definitely has some problems like the collision that needs more polish, but for an AA game that I only paid 30 euros for. I was expecting some stuff to be not completely clean, especially knowing that this is their first attempt at a 3D platformer, but goddamn. Does the level design & overall gameplay mechanics convince me that this isn’t their first rodeo at designing a 3D platformer

3 months ago

Only thing I'll agree with the reviews is the game can be a bit buggy (and I do wish the game explained its scoring system a bit better). Otherwise its been pretty fantastic and one of my favorites of the year.

3 months ago

Count me in on being surprised too. I'm on world 9 and it has mostly been a blast outside of the few times I clipped through a building and the inconsistent ledge grabbing. I'm actually kind surprised how much content the game has for its price, too. So far I'd be likely to give it a 3.5 or 4, but I wait until after I beat a game to really review it.

3 months ago

Fourthing the surprise at its reception here (at the time of writing), game controls like a dream. Read more than one post elsewhere complaining about it allegedly not having certain features and then pivoting to said features being a waste of time when the fact that it does have them was pointed out, which just struck me as some people being determined to dislike it for whatever reason.

3 months ago

Count me in the surprised camp. I have come across bugs but otherwise, wow it scratches an itch as you say. I haven't played any other modern 3d platformer that is as holistic and focused in its design. There's no bloat or extrenuous busywork, just pure kinetic joy.