5 reviews liked by Stay_Experienced

Bought it for the story mode... I have nobody to play it with... turns out fatalities are not legal in real life.

This is one of those games that is fun to play with mods and on free play mode, but not to actually play. I built up my own city for a couple of years and enjoyed just observing with the city would build up to be. The main thing I did was added infinite money mods and see how the world would grow with no taxes because its funny.

However, I am hopeful for the sequel that’s coming out at the end of the year, hopefully it will be good.

”Where's Everyone Going? Bingo?”

A groundbreaking remake of the groundbreaking original. This game(original) single-handedly created a new genre in the gaming landscape, and this remake creates an alternate version of the original which not only improves on most aspects but also is a different beast altogether. The graphics are even more gorgeous than the already impressive Resident Evil Village. The increased horror atmosphere is a welcome change and makes the environments more fun to explore. The story was always infamously cheesy, and it is not that much changed here but I think it is engaging enough, and the characters are the most interesting part anyway.
As for the gameplay, the changes are apparent but the thing that deserves the most praise is the new knife mechanic. It makes the fights more strategic and aggressive at the same time which enables the player to engage in melee combat even more.

(Seperate Ways DLC is probably on its way and I will update this review when I platinum the game and more content is added)

I learned to think with portals in real life after this.

The story is captivating and on par with some of the movies. Best iteration of the swinging mechanic and the game is packed with great content that makes swinging through new york a joy every time. Also the additional suits are great.