I'm not sure if the open world format fits fromsoft games very well. Gameplay and level design is a lot more mindless this time around, at least from the player's perspective. The environments are gorgeous. I can't wait to see it in unbroken 60 FPS in about ten years. The combat is pretty good. Animations and sound effects are on point! Boss animations are dishonest, but, hey, players have lots of options for fighting them. It's simply a bad idea to go one-on-one with a sword and shield a lot of the time, unless you look up a video of which attacks are punishable, because god knows the animations won't tell you. Mindlessly pressing Y while traveling to collect crafting materials isn't exactly enthralling gameplay. Suffers from inventory clutter. I like the part where a trap sends the player to the opposite side of the continent, and I like the part where a guy traps you in a room with a big knight, but memorable moments seem to thin out as the game goes on. This game really do have infinity content, so if you liked Dark Souls 3, you'll be playing this one for months!

Reviewed on Apr 12, 2022
