Pretty good game with one fatal flaw. Code Veronica has all the classic Resident Evil gameplay we love with the exploration and puzzles and looks pretty good with fully 3D environments for the first time in the series.

The one huge thing that brings this game down is the progression. There is lots and lots of back tracking in this game and all the items and puzzle solutions feel like they've been put through a randomizer so the way forward feels really obnoxious because the item you'd need is back 2 areas ago.

Another thing is the game requires lots of unnecessary trial and error to progress. There's lots of things you need to do but won't know about them until you've died to it. I liked the Claire section of the game more than the Chris section because of the larger emphasis on puzzles rather than the clunky combat.

Personally I think the best way to enjoy this game is with a guide or walkthrough on hand so you can be best prepared for the trail and error and backwards randomized progression. If you do have a guide or have played it before and know how to prepare for what's ahead than I think this game is a pretty fun experience.

Reviewed on Oct 16, 2023
