Early access review: It does its job well enough, but as a big fan of rail shooters, Star Fox especially, I can't help feeling something's 'missing' in the core gameplay. Something about the shooting feels a little finicky, and the double laser powerup barely shows up, which makes firing away feel a little less satisfying. Also the controls in the Space Harrier bonus levels feel wayyyy too touchy.

This is hardly an indie replacement for a new Star Fox in my eyes, or any kind of evoloution of the formula. The barrier between reference and ripoff sometimes blurs the line with the amount of stuff pulled from Star Fox 64, making me wonder why I shouldn't just replay that instead.

It's fun enough, but it's hardly the Undertale to a new Mother game if you catch my drift. I really want Rail Shooters to make a comeback, so I hope the developer can really fine-tune this.

Reviewed on Aug 04, 2022
