I'll admit it took a little while for me to warm up to Sunbreak. At first, it was a little boring fighting mostly the same monsters again, and the increase in monster attack speed made using slower weapons feel not fun to use.

However, once I adapted and got better at using Wirebugs... yeah this is how Rise should have been on launch. The insane mobility of the hunters works now that the monsters are able to match with their insane aggression. I enjoy the speed of the fights and the increase in difficulty makes a lot of the issues I had with Rise matter very little.

All of the returning and new monsters are very fun to fight, and I hope more will be added with title updates. I still have to jump into the endgame, but I'm excited. Compared to Icebourne I think this is way, way better and makes Rise a greater full package than World overall.

Reviewed on Sep 29, 2022
