Another incredible game from this developer who understands what Co-Op really means, Each stage brings a new mechanic that had me and my friend laughing long after the credits rolled. The narative does drop in quality as you progress, with some actions of the main characters really needing to be examined and perhaps questioned.

Over stays its welcome by around 3 hours. At first a cute and charming puzzler but slowly devolves into a game that they felt the need to pad with back tracking and an annoying cat. Wish i had skipped on this one.

However does look stunning on the switch with masterful lighining.

New Pokemon snap is a game that shows a 20 year old sequel can apease both old and new fans.

But after a while its repatitive nature sets in. Around the 20 hour mark i struggle to pick it back up to finish up its last remaining stages.

There is something about Bioshock that lead me to just not want to put it down. It was a game i owned in its original gereration but never finished. Overall really glad that i did. One i look to replay on switch sometime in the future