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1 day

Last played

April 4, 2024

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It is wild how my viewpoint on this game as flipped from when I first started to now that I fully finished it. Gonna get some cons out of the way first, the amount of backtracking this game has is a little too much for me. It’s not a complete deal breaker, but part 1 of the game has so much backtracking to your house and the library with not a lot in between, it makes it very slow and boring. The side quests are also not great. They’re very bare bones, just, collect this, which usually invovles a grind in some way too, and then bring it back for a couple bucks. I think I ruined my A run by doing almost all the part 1 side quests along with my other gripes with the time kinda put me in a bad mood while playing. The story does start to eventually pick up and it’s way better from there. Part 2 is definitely the highlight of the game for me, the story is at its peak, you get more combat options with the new weapon types, more interactions between the characters. Having to complete the game 5 times was definitely a turn off at first, but it’s really not all that bad once you’re doing it, the worst is definitely getting all the weapons and having to play part 2, 3 times in a row with endings A, B and C/D. But at that point you can pretty much speed run it in like 2 hours so it’s doable. The true ending E is absolutely beautiful and a perfect end to the game. You finally get answers to most of your questions and you get closure for most of the characters. The story, characters, and soundtrack (which is absolutely fucking beautiful btw, like how do you make something that good) is really what gives the game its rating for me, it truly is something special.