32 reviews liked by StormySoup

is it normal to relate to jecka

This game has some charm that I do like but the gameplay really is just atrocius. Also the misogyny. Dear lord the misogyny. I'm actually surprised so many Fallout fans hate this game considering you don't even need to mod all the women into having big titties and skimpy outfits. They come that way pre-packaged. I actually REALLY like the weapon designs though. When I found that homemade laser rifle I nearly came. I need that shit modded into New Vegas and 4 asap.

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it made me happy during a really low period, just let me have this

Subahibi is definitely a wild ride and I can't say I was disappointed with what I got from it. The first half of this visual novel easily fulfilled my expectations of this story.

However this story is undeniably broken. Not so much that it ruins my enjoyment of the VN, but I feel what holds Subahibi back the most is the fact that it ultimately tries to tell two different stories that aren't as connected as the narrative thinks they are.

I haven't played Tsui no Sora yet but it was very easy to tell what was apart of the original narrative and what wasn't. By the time I was reaching the end of IMOI I felt like the story was already reaching its conclusion despite having plenty of chapters left to go.

While I can't say that the writing within the second half is astoundingly terrible, it just feels like a completely different Visual Novel. The writing is decent but it just wasn't the kind of story I expected or was really interested in.

I feel if you're a fan of Denpa and psychological horror, you'll enjoy the first half very much as I did. If you're more into straightforward drama visual novels with slight psychological elements, you'll probably enjoy the second half more

F tier yakuza outside the ending and a few characters p much

i was so bored to tears that i practically just skipped a shitton of the dialogue that wasnt immediately story relevant at certain points because this game is hellbent on wasting your time for no reason with random events

all the akame network shit sucks, the agent style is jank and feels bad to use, and the game feels like its 50 hours long despite being the shortest in the series because of all the stupid shit it throws at you

i will say tho, that ending is peak and prolly some of the most emotional shit in the entire series, too bad its stuck in this game.

its kind of a shame because the final boss and the ending are both like genuinely peak shit in the franchise but you have to suffer through so much worthless meandering, bad combat changes and a new style that is not worth using whatsoever.

im also disappointed a setting as cool as the castle amounted to nothing more than just window dressing for like a single mini game essentially

tldr; this game is genuinely worthless outside a kson's fat tits and the ending

It's pretty fucked up that one of the best entries in the Yakuza franchise didn't get localized because of SEGA being fucking stupid.

EDIT: this review has aged but they still made some dumbass changes to the "remake" so it stands, nonetheless.

So the game has its flaws but it is Yakuza at its most Yakuza. The plot is convoluted but the actual character writing is some of the best in the series. The combat is probably the easiest one but it is fun being that OP. The new cities need a bit of work but the game has some of the funniest substories in the series (such as Santa Saejima). Music is amazing in general and this game has the most side content in the series.

I played this game in Japanese with the PS3 HD Remaster and its pretty dang solid. Its got a great aesthetic and the story is tight, probably the easiest to follow in the series while still being interesting. The side content that this series is known for is only here in small servings, and the substories are few and tend to be pretty dramatic, which is both an upside and a downside. This is the Yakuza game with the worst combat, but Kiryu's moveset still feels pretty good and you can absolutely tear through enemies if you know what you're doing. Overall there are reasons to like the original more than its much meatier remake, but I think both have their advantages. Glad I played this, and I will be hopping on 2 at some point.

Much prefered over the remake personally. Combat is really good in this game, but not very fun in the remake, and overall feels more consistent. One of my favorite Yakuza games.

I headcanon this game as Otacon's anime-ified retelling of the Shadow Moses incident rather than what actually happened. It makes the copious amounts of cheese and the shit Snake pulls off make sense, explains why Snake only remembers the PS1 version's of events in MGS4, and helps develop Snake and Otacon's gay relationship

That being said, the redone voice work isn't super great in several scenes and the addition of first person aiming kinda kills the original's balance in multiple fightsssss