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1 day

Last played

December 20, 2021

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I know this game played an important role in Sega's history, both in developing arcade games and in developing home console games. I also understand that this game has a fanbase, mostly among people who remember this game being a launch title and the original pack-in for the Sega Genesis. However, I am not part of that fanbase.

There's only like 15 minutes worth of content to experience in total with this game, which was pathetic even for 1989, but this game spares no expense in dragging its barren content out, with sluggish gameplay and artificial difficulty, the latter of which stems from your character being pitifully weak when not in beast form. And good luck trying to enjoy beast form, by the way. You'll mostly only have it for bosses, which can be defeated in mere seconds once you figure out their often-easily-exploitable weaknesses.

It also doesn't help that this game has horrid sound mixing. Quiet and blandly-composed music is drowned out by scratchy, compressed voiced samples, which makes this game an assault on both the mind and the ears.

Want to play a good Genesis launch game? Play Thunder Force II. You'll get more out of that one than you ever will this one. Altered Beast is a milestone title in Sega's history, but it's for good reason that this game had been pushed to the wayside in favor of better titles, such as Sonic the Hedgehog and Streets of Rage.