Really wanted to like this more. First half is great and the new protagonists are all likeable and fun to play as but the story gets too stupid to be believable around the halfway point. Also would've liked some more qol updates after 3. Still no sprint or easy way of seeing who's chasing after you in a crowd, and I still need to purchase an upgrade for a ground heat move (all of which are really the kinds of things a remaster should be adding), though I didn't find the latter as annoying in this game.

Also worth noting is I played this for a few hours last year, then shelved it and restarted last month only to find the game crashed at totally random intervals, like Bully PC port style. For the record my PC can run Bright Memory Infinite on pretty high settings but needed to lower from max and set to borderless fullscreen for a PS3 game that ran fine a year earlier.

Lastly, I would like to state that bosses who use guns can suck big black dick. legostruan out.

Reviewed on Jun 24, 2022
