9 Reviews liked by StygianHollow

this was peak when i was 10
the models are still sooo cute im happy theyre supporting this game even after g5

I grinded so hard for that skeleton suit

i dont really remember anything about this game but my older brother beat me in a game once when i was like 8 and i started crying so thats pretty funny

Genuinely my first Sonic game. I always just thought it was my fault any time I'd go flying across the map and die. I was... So innocent back then.

signing up to this platform was the start of all my problems



SSG spam go brrr.

Actual games pretty good too I guess

Whenever you have on developer make their dream game, you either get niche fever dream games like Brigand:Oaxaca, a game where you can feel the budget being stretched as you play, or a professional feeling game that sells millions, this being the latter. you can feel the passion in every bit of the game, from the dialogue to all the hidden secrets, the ways the game has tons of content for each profession, the constant updates, etc. If you want a homesteading game minus hunting and hunger bars, this is THE game for it.

This is the best homesteading simulator I've found minus stardew valley and the long dark, letting you grow crops, have water catchers, build cabins and go hunting, or even cave diving. Just watch out for the cannibals, or for when your boat carrying 50 logs you spent an hour getting glitches and flies into space taking your hard work with you.

Atleast you can slide everywhere with a turtle shell and throw molotovs at people, I guess.

If you just play the story mode, its a 3/5.
If you play the survival mode, you experience the best survival game out there. Every decision could be death (on higher difficulties), nature hates you and will throw whatever blizzard or bears it wants at you, and no one is there to help you. The atmosphere is incredible, the world vast with secrets, and it only really gets boring after exploring the whole world and getting to day ~120. Then its just biding your time until death for the achievement. Shame my save got wiped because of the update, but whenever I return to this game the wolves won't know what hit them.