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I just finished my Golden Deer Playthrough and hoooooooo damn.. Claude's Route is my favorite now.. Especially it having to deal with "Those who slither in the dark" since AM and CF didn't show them as much. I really liked Claude a lot more now after finishing this route, his quest to end racism once and for all progressed to him fighting the TWSITD and Nemesis' zombie along with the other 10 elites... Another few reasons why I like this route more than the others?

>I like Claude's ideology
>Fodlan becomes a United Kingdom
>We fight the TWSITD
>DUBSTEP on the 2nd to the last map(Chapter 21)
>GOD SHATTERING STAR on the last map(Chapter 22)

It took me awhile to beat this route since I had college keeping me busy but now I've beaten it!!! Thanks to us having a full week of no college classes :))

As always I chose Ingrid to marry <33333
10/31/2023 8:05 pm

Reviewed on Oct 31, 2023
