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Finally finished the main game about 19.6 hours.. for a game released in 2013 the visuals, storytelling, pacing, atmosphere/environment, characters, plot, and gameplay is all perfect for me atleast. As much as other people don't really like infinite that much as I do I appreciate everything for it's worth. I was immersed by the environment and felt a strong attachment to Elizabeth when the game finally introduced her. The cutscenes and everything where really great for me especially at the beginning of the game with the whole city up in the sky. I would say most devs nowadays dont make games like this anymore. I absolutely love bioshock infinite, but not as much as I love Elizabeth. I will be playing the DLCs soon but for now... my final words for this game would be THAT THIS GAME IS FREAKING AWESOME! 10/10 would wanna experience the game again if only someone would erase the record of myself finishing the game in my brain.

Reviewed on Mar 03, 2024


3 months ago

Ok I was unaware of why people hated infinite but now I understand as to why because so many content was cut in the version that was now playable to us. Regardless I still enjoyed Infinite and my opinion of it will not change. Although I do agree that Infinite could've been a whole lot better if they didn't remove all the ideas and stuff from the beta.

1 month ago

Finally, a fellow Infinite enjoyer

1 month ago

I love Infinite and it will stay that way no matter what people say about the game :D