Best series list. Best OG cast. Best plot. God tier OST. Has one of the strongest OG-verse units. Absolute kinology/10

Kindly super awful balancing which is made worse if you've played Extreme. Still looks nice at least but kind of no reason to play it over previous entries honestly.

Defs my fave in the franchise just for the absolutely godlike aesthetics overall.

Criminally underrated series.
TL;DR: Flashy, satisfying, and savage combat mechanics in a really fast and simplistic gameplay-loop, topped off with an insanely good cast of characters and excellent storyline especially in the Kiwami arc.

Toukiden itself starts off pretty straightforward and really simple in some aspects like in-hunt inventory and skill loadouts being combined together into a single Mitama system. The combat is definitely one of the highlights in the base game, with a very good selection of weapons that all boasts a fair bit of depth and are all really fun to use. Once you actually start beating up your first large Oni do things start getting really crazy as the entire combat revolves around quite literally dismembering large Onis in a very graphic manner, which is something very unique as far as MH/Clones go as none of them have ever gotten to this level of violence that's enough to make you actually feel bad for the onis as they finally die and their husks are limbless unrecognizable lumps.

The real reason this game becomes criminally underrated is when you finally get into the Kiwami portion of the game or the second arc. The game throws a ton of new characters which are all even more interesting, unique, and fun to interact with than the initial cast already was. The story also takes a turn for the absolute insanity with all the constant drama, mystery, and hotblooded moments that keep you going and wanting to know how things play out for hours.

Admittedly I've never heard of Toukiden until sometime last year while I was going through all the MH Clones so I didn't really have any expectations for it at all and just wanted it out of the way but I'm very glad that I went through it and had my mind absolutely blown in the best ways. The game is very worth playing just for the story and characters alone and it would be a huge loss for anyone into MH/Clones at all to have to miss out on this game just because no one else really talks about it.

My first and probably the most experimental MH i've played which I give it a ton of credit for. RIP Loc Lac.

Tri without the sauce. I'd wholeheartedly recommend playing Tri and/or P3rd instead of this since the devs just jamming content in haphazardly doesn't really do this entire generation justice especially with how most people consider this the "definitive" one.

RIP bozo. Rest In Piss you won't be missed

A bit way too easy compared to the GBA versions but the animations are extremely good.

Managed to have not one, not two, but four god-tier Flagship monsters not including Valfalk and Ahtal-Ka who are also some of the best monsters and fights out there. Bherna is epic and the OST is just godly. The perfect anniversary game for one my favorite franchises.
Best MH. Simple as.

Probably the best entry in the franchise. Really well-balanced and looked super great too.

Very good polishing of the combat dragged down by the godawful aesthetics and maps and a lot of other flaws. The streamlining of everything is objectively a step up but overall killed everything that made me love the franchise, which most people would call "the jank". Extremely soulless and hard to find enjoyment in especially with all the annoyances such as the hard-incorporation of a very boring plot into the gameplay with unskippable cutscenes on top of a very very weak base monster roster.

Play Super Robot Wars Original Generation Saga Endless Frontier EXCEED instead.

Pretty damn good entry with a lot of flaws which I think are forgivable because of the overhaul to the maps and verticality of the game. The only unforgivable thing is probably all the villages being so boring. Gore Magala kino, Seregios sucks.

The game that highlights the superiority of Gen 3 MH. God tier aesthetics, music, mon roster, maps, village, hub, farm, and plot. Zinogre best.