7 reviews liked by SukkyNukky

The Best Horror Game in the past 10 Years.

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Me: Yeah, I'm not big on religion. I think a lot of media centered around the power of faith tends to come across as propaganda, intentionally or not. A means to cover up the awfulness of an institution which has committed so many horrors to the history of humanity that reading them aloud could make for a creepypasta.

The cashier at McDonald's: Ma'am, there is a line.

Me: But it's so fucking cool when John Ward gets extra HP in the final boss because his faith in god is finally renewed, right?

Cashier: Right.

This was genuinely scary it had British people and everything

better than pubg and more fun than fortnite

The only battle-royale game I enjoyed. Wish the community kept it alive.

Truly underrated. No matter how many replays the story continues to make me cry. The characters are all lovable and the game makes sure you get attached to them. Combat is also very fun, very similar to Titanfalls movement/combat.

It's clunky and old. It's pointlessly provocative. It's comically edgy. It's incredibly tedious. It's programmed like dogass. It's one of the most fun and memorable PC games ever made.