One of the most interesting games I've played, gives you many insights on people with depression and suicidal ideas.

Lies of P has been a game that's truly captivated my attention from the get-go.
The story is beyond compelling, drawing players into a richly detailed world filled with intrigue, deception and unexpected twists. The narrative hooks you right from the start and keeps you on the edge of your seat throughout the entire gameplay experience.

I personally love how the game challenges your moral compass (without mentioning any spoilers) the decisions you make throughout the game not only impact the storyline but also the characters and their fates. It's a game that truly makes you ponder the weight of your choices.

And let's not even begin with the sound & visual designs, they were top notch.

Ofcourse the game does have it's tiny drawbacks such as it's semi-repetitive style of advancing into new areas as well as the limited weapons available to you, they're a lot, but only a handful are unique and fun.

Overall the game is outstanding and is an absolute gem not to be missed.
(I did not mention any bosses or names of characters to protect you guys from spoilers.)