I love this game. My favorite Mario RPG out of all of them (followed by Paper Mario 64), it's so good. It's quite story heavy, which differs quite a bit from most other Mario games, and it really builds off the previous 2 Mario & Luigi games. Returning characters, references, and just being built off of Partners in Time really makes this game work. While you do lose 2 playable characters from the last game, you do gain a new one, that being Bowser. His style of play is much different from Mario and Luigi's, which I think is for the best, as the Baby Bros. from Partners in Time were just Mario and Luigi but slightly smaller with worse stats. But Bowser, he's a powerhouse. While he can never work in tandem with the Bros., he makes up for by being able to crush every enemy in his path. Overall though, Bowser's Inside Story changes quite a bit from the last 2 games, and it is just a lot of fun, with a wonderful world. If you like Mario and RPGs, give this one a shot.

Just recently replayed this one, and honestly, it's still one of the strongest in the series. While I think KH2 outshines it, I think KH3 is a bit of a step down, and I'll tell you why. While combat in KH3 is way more fun, KH1 shines in it's other aspects. The Disney worlds actually tie in to this game's overarching story. While that seems like it's not very important, it makes the game feel like a real universe, and every game after this just makes the Disney worlds filler, and it's pointless. But KH1 just has so much charm. So many interactable things in each world, so much character building from the main cast, it's all so much and adds to the charm. It's wonderful, and a great opening to one of the best game series ever. Also the magic system is way better in this game than the other ones. Not sorry.

Pretty good for a 2D Mario game. Not my favorite 2D Mario, that title belongs to SMB3, this is a wonderful jump out of the "New Super Mario Bros." era. So much creativity and it's so unique. There's really nothing like this one. While it's mechanics share a lot of similarities with the NSMB series, it makes up for that with so much brand new and interesting content. It's music is really good, it looks super good, and it's level designs are so cool and interesting. A really good 2D Mario.

I personally think that this is the greatest Mario game. While not story heavy (no Mario game really is other than the RPGs), it really shines in all other aspects. It's level design works pretty perfectly for how the game works, and bends itself to the movement mechanics. While movement is much more limited from 64 and Sunshine, if their movement was in this game, the levels wouldn't work nearly as well. The atmosphere is also perfect. While Galaxy 2 is a more well built game, with more unique content, this game nails the atmosphere way better than 2. It truly feels like space. The music and the visuals combine and makes it really feel like Mario is exploring the universe, with so much uniqueness and character. It's my favorite Mario game, and I think that everyone should play it.

Absolutely the best KH game. People always say that this is the best one, and they're right. While losing some of the best parts of KH1, like the integration of the overarching story in with the Disney worlds, or just a lot of the charm of that game, KH2 builds in the other departments. The combat has been significantly enhanced. It's pretty much an entirely new combat system, like how magic got a complete rework from KH1, or how the ground combat got completely undercooked and now aerial combat is the way to go. And then the addition of Drive Forms really change the game. Drive Forms make using normal Sora feel worthless, as Valor (the first form you even get) just sweeps everything. But where the game really shines, other than combat of course, is it's development of the story. It builds up from KH1 and Chain of Memories, and if you're playing in release order (which is how you should), then the brand new characters just show up and have no real introduction, and it brings in this aspect of mystery around them. It is a very great game, and I hope to platinum it soon.

Practically perfection, a beautiful story stemming from both 1 and 2 while also not relying on them too heavily and introducing tons of it's own wonderfully written content makes this one of my favorite games ever, and it's story isn't the only thing that it takes from it's predecessors, it also combines their combat systems. It's a fun game, with plenty of emotional moments, and it truly is great. It's peak, and I will replay it every year.