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A great revival of the franchise. While the story isn't exactly groundbreaking, it was fun to separate the usual duo like in ACiT and watch their individual selves develop throughout the journey. Rivet is an excellent addition to the franchise, and the visuals are simply gorgeous. The best feature, in my opinion, is the SUBLIME arsenal we get this time around. Just a few returning ideas, but the majority of the weapons are so unique and fun to use, I want to play the game again just to use them all more. This game loses points for being a bit too short, and for the Clank/Glitch gameplay segments being a snoozefest, but if this is the standard set for Ratchet and Clank games going forward, I'll be happily along for the ride.

I'm doing my best to not let nostalgia influence my rating. On paper, this is a perfectly fine game. Decent story, beautiful visuals, a fun arsenal of the most iconic weapons from the past. However, as a re-imagining of the first game, it's hard not to compare the two products, and this game is just lacking. Ratchet shows very little personality, the duo barely even interact like friends, and every character not named Qwark is almost completely lifeless. The final boss being Nefarious seemed like unnecessary fan-service that did not service me as a fan at all. Objectively, this is a fun, decent game, but as a lifelong Ratchet and Clank fan, it left a sour taste in my mouth.

I need everyone who has written off Into the Nexus to give it another shot immediately. The negatives right off the bat, it's really short, the opening sequence is a slog, and the ending is sort of anticlimactic. But everything in between the very beginning and very end is absolutely delightful. The arsenal is extremely unique and fun, the planets, while there aren't many, are varied and fun to explore, and the Clank nether-verse segments are the second most fun Clank gameplay in the series behind A Crack in Time. I understand why people were disappointed when this game came out, but looking back, it was such a fresh relief after a trio of pretty mediocre spinoff games.