(Review originally from Google Reviews)
Whoever gives this game a 5 stars or say it's "underrated", please tell me why. While not the worst, this is my least favorite sonic game for how much it pissed me off with the wasted potential it has. At least with Boom and 06, they went from probably average games to garbage due to some kind of studio interference (Sega rushing it out and BRB being forced to change development from next gen to Wii U).

The only qualities this game has going for it is the tolerable graphics, pretty fun customization system and some of the music. DO NOT BUY THIS GAME AT FULL PRICE! As much as I'd advise against it, if you're truly interested buy this game below half price or something like that. This game can be embarrassingly beat in 2-4 hours. Generations, Colours, Mania were around 5 hours long depending on how fast you do the levels but at least in those games you had interesting side content to make it more repayable. What does Forces have? Episode Shadow is garbage, the red rings are piss easy to find due to the levels having no depth and you can get an S on every level with your eyes closed, but in the end what is the point? If you say this game "isn't that bad", what's the point in playing it when I can get more enjoyment with something like Generations?

I really wish google reviews didn't have a word limit because I can go on and on about how this game is the embodiment of disappointing, so instead I will do quick bullet points:
- Could have been the game that got sonic back in the spotlight after how well Mania did (Mania also cleverly tied into the game).
- Story is utter garbage. The game fails at immersion for how it constantly jumps around with the who, what, when, where and why.
- Despite other Sonic game stories being mediocre, at least you felt like you were progressing somewhere. Here, one moment you're in green hill, the next you're in Eggman's evil lair during a different time. It's so confusing. (Recommended Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqNw517a-jo )
- Characters that are butchered including Tails, who just cowers in fear for no reason (I thank the writers of IDW sonic for fixing these characters) when Chaos comes in. Eggman has the IQ of a 2 year old (I will send you to null space despite the fact the power of friendship can bust you out!!).
- Cringe inducing dialogue (Green Hill looking more like Sand Hill!).
- Speaking of Chaos, fake hype built up about major villains returning when the likes of Chaos only appearing in one scene which is classic sonic walloping him. Shadow get's his ass kicked by himself. Metal Sonic is a copy paste boss fight of a infinite boss. End of Zavok fight the game finishes him off for you lmfao.
- Classic Sonic should have never been in the game. He controls like shit.
- The Modern Sonic and Avatar stages could be fun if the level design wasn't so laughably short and basic. My little brother can design Little Big Planet stages better than this.
- Infuriating amount of QTEs throughout the game.
- Final boss is a THIRD rehash of Colour's final boss.
- One of Classic Sonic's stages has a side scrolling section. A side scrolling section in a Sonic game; let that sink in.

Overall, whoever says this game is underrated or is good are rather drunk or they work for Sega. This game isn't really as good as a lot of people on here are saying; I'd rather have a game so bad it's good than a game that's disappointing to the core.
Closing Remark: Sonic Forces? More like Sonic Forces You To Press Square.

Reviewed on Aug 28, 2021


2 years ago

It’s hated here though

2 years ago

I originally posted this on google reviews and then transferred it over, there was a lot of people giving it 5 stars which made me blow my brains out