I was a bit worried this game was in troubled production since we basically heard nothing for about 3 years after it got delayed twice but I am happy to know it didn't disappoint:

Graphics and Music:
Unlike Drawn to Life: Two Realms which can't decide if it wants to be a DS game or a mobile game with it's amazing pixel art and lame UI, the last Freedom Planet had pixel art similar to a SEGA Genius game while the squeal feels much more like a DS game if that makes any sense (In other words, it's consistent quality pixel art).
I prefer the character designs in this game much more to the last one because Lilac's design in FP1 looked way too generic, as a matter of fact the new high def pixel art style allows for the characters to have much more detailed designs.
The music in the first Freedom Planet was good but not quite memorable and the same goes here but who knows, it might grow on me. Each track backs up each zone nicely so not much else to say.

This is such a breath of fresh air especially coming after Sonic Advance 1 and 2 since unlike those games, this game feels fun and rewarding to go fast (you know, what the game was intended for) whilst beating up enemies on the side. Unlike Sonic Advance 1 and 2 placing random spikes and pitfall traps everywhere, this game has a lot of levels but each of them feel distinct and fun on their own.
One of my favourite parts of the levels in particular is the story events that are incorporated, such as the battle between two opposing antagonists or the bad guys activating their massive laser weapon to fire upon you mid level (As can probs tell, I am simplifying this to avoid spoilers).
Speaking of level design, there are a few levels that drag too hard to the point where it feels like a final level except in the middle of the game. On the bright side however, my problem with the first game thinking it's epic throwing way too many enemies at you is not as frequent of an issue here. A lot of 2D platformers I have played as of late have had atrocious / bland level design which doesn't feel engaging in the slightest. With Freedom Planet 2, I felt immersed in the events going on during the levels and had fun playing through them.
I haven't tried controlling the other characters yet including the new one so I can't say much about how fun the combat is with the other characters, but Lilac is fun to control (especially when she defies gravity by walking up a slope). The addition of the guard / parry is also a massive welcome feature.

Another reason why the sequal is better than the first. I think a major problem I had with the first games story is that, while I could tell the plot and story was ambitious, the game's level structure was just too short for a plot as complicated as it. Don't get me wrong it's not THAT complicated but for a game with only 12 levels, a plot of kingdoms battling with one of them being manipulated by big uni-brow alien warlord isn't as fleshed out as it could have been but it was decent for what it is. That and the characters themselves were just alright, decent at best.
Meanwhile in the squeal, the world building is expanded massively because of the game being longer and I did enjoy finding out more about the world's past which is linked with the villains motivations. Speaking of, the villain here is ten times better than uni-brow alien man for being threatening and having a more interesting motivation.
If I did have one complaint it's that some characters make me scratch my head with their decisions and some give me a poker face expression (looking at you Aaa). There are some questions and character dynamics I wish got resolved since a lot got set up, however I am not so sure if I can say anything else about that because technically other parts of it are locked behind the other characters' campaigns but since the gameplay is fun I don't mind this.
I should mention that this game is quite funny sometimes, mostly thanks to the ultra giga chad Captain Kalaw.

One of the weaker 9/10 games I have played but the game's hefty content, decently engaging story, major squeal improvements and fun speedy action packed gameplay shame me from a lower rating.

Reviewed on Sep 22, 2022
