Even though I wouldn't call Touched worse than it's GBA predecessors, I don't get the same drive to revisit this one as much as Mega Microgame$ or Smooth Moves. I don't know why. Lack of personal nostalgia? Does it lack the simplicity that gave charm and magic to the first game?

Regardless, this is still another solid entry in the WarioWare franchise. I absolutely love how the title straight up cuts to the chase to announce:
"Okay so you know the formula you BUTTON MASHED and TWISTED on the GBA? This time you use the DS stylus to TOUCH!"

WarioWare but with DS controls is the best way to summarise it. The game does a great job utilising the handheld's stylus and two-screen gimmick; bringing more variety to the microgames arguably even more so than the GBA predecessors.

With that said, I wouldn't say this variety makes the microgames here instantly better than the iconic ones before, rather it makes this game stand on it's own two feet for being unique. Maybe that's why I prefer Mega Microgames$ since I like the simple 2 button D-pad layout over using the stylus (and especially blowing, dead god) but it's ultimately down to the person.

To give even more credit where it's due, Ashley who is one of my favourite WarioWare characters was introduced here (along with her theme which slaps ESPECIALLY the Smash remix). Although it doesn't matter a whole lot since the focus is on the gameplay, Touched and Twisted was when the characters started becoming a lot more colourful and charming.

Reviewed on May 10, 2023
