Main Character: someone gets brutally murdered infront of him
Also Main Character: "WhAt ThE?"

Yes the gameplay isn't perfect but the vibe they were going for with this game is insane. I can't even begin to explain how much this made me love the world of ANGRY BIRDS of all things for the art style alone.

The gameplay is fun, I guess? Maybe? It's always hysterical when the pigs go flying towards the screen.
However there is something about this game that feels dirty. Aka, I can smell the stench of modern corporate mobile gaming from a mile away.

The game gets bonus points tho because this song actually SLAPS:
Also where did my boy Colonel Pig go?

Sometimes the level design is so hard it makes me want to tear my hair out. But messing around in the various sand boxes were my shit when I was young and it's still fun to this day.

Usually spin off games like this suck so hard but they managed to create a unique vehicle builder game with the BAD PIGGIES of all peeps. I mad respect this one.

Fun Fact: Angry Birds Rio 2 is better than the actual movie.

In all seriousness, this one is just decent. I do like the art style for the Rio 2 section of the game especially.

Still EWWWWWWWWWWW but I think people were a bit too harsh when this came out.

It sucks now because of the latest updates screwing over it like Rovio love to do so now I can officially say it sucks.

Okay but out of all the games to get Thanos snapped, why was it this one that stayed?

Remember when Rovio fucked over Angry Birds Stella twice by slapping that name onto this generic bubble pop game, then deciding to remove the Stella name entirely?

I will never forgive this soulless garbage for adding cement over Stella's already deepened grave. Just what were you smoking Rovio?

I really wish they never gave up on Stella because I really liked the vibe and charm they were going for here, with fun gameplay to boot.

Fuck you Rovio for turning this into Angry Birds Pop then forgetting it ever existed.

Started off really amazing until they got really lazy with further updates. They tried to sum up Revenge of the Sith in TWENTY LEVELS!!!

The best Angry Birds game by a landslide, no other game comes close in my opinion.

I mean yeah they could have done something more interesting with Bomb, Terrence and the Blues instead of just keeping their same abilities considering how Chuck got some cool upgrades but the new gravity planet style more than makes up for it. The new icy bird is pretty poggers too.

The music in this one unironically slaps too? And the updates had actually effort put into them? I swear they didn't have to go so hard with the Mirror Worlds update to produce so many new levels but they did anyway. I could tell a lot of passion went into this despite it being a fucking Angry Birds game.
The bosses in this one are really fun to the point where I retry the levels a couple of times to see if I can beat them in different ways.

If you can pick this game up despite it being not available anymore then I'd fully recommend it.

An Angry Birds Star Wars game sounds like a pathetic cash grab but this one isn't that bad in all honesty.
Apart from a few infuriating levels, this is basically what you'd expect if an Angry Birds Star Wars adaption was actually decent.

This was the mega OG and was a solid 7/10 until they decided to ruin it with an update that tries to get you to spend more money on sweet sweet micro transactions.

Hopefully when they bring this back to the app store, they will remove that stupid update that made it ten times worse.
If reviewing this before said update, it's Angry Birds what more do you expect? It was a prime example, when it came out, to what mobile games should be: simple, fun experiences instead of micro transaction traps.

(I speak for the Arcade version of this as that is where a majority of my time has been spent, the other two games will be reviewed at some point separately)

This is a prime example of what a rail shooter should be:
- Fast action whilst not being unfair. I will admit sometimes it attempts to catch you off guard but in comparison to rail shooter games nowadays, it's nothing.
- Enemies keep on coming instead of making you wait ten years like Time Crisis 5 does. TC5 also had a problem with too many cutscenes making the games pacing really weird but that's not the case here.
- A fully interactive environment. Since this game uses a fully automatic machine gun, you really feel like you are causing major destruction because almost everything in the surrounding area can be damaged/destroyed.
- Differing sections where you use a different weapon (E.g. Sniper Rifle, Rocket Launcher) to spice up the gameplay but not too gimmicky to the point where it's obnoxious.
- Not amazing but decent writing. Dialogue repeats sometimes which is annoying ("GOOD WORK ALPHA 1!!! YOU'RE LIKE A MACHINE ALPHA 2!!!!") but the characters are distinct and likable to enough keep you engaged. Time Crisis, and many other rail shooters as a matter of fact, aren't needed in the story department. All I am saying here is that the writing isn't cringe like Time Crisis 5.
- Oh yeah and the soundtrack SLAPS.

It's kinda fun at first and satisfying if you pull off the right strategy but this game also legit relies on luck, and even if you beat the bs wave they throw at you the game just straight up admits "NOPE! We don't want you winning!!!"
Why is there so much trash in the arcade these days? What happened to just putting in a coin then having some quick fun for a short time?