One of the most boring games I have ever played.

I get the nostalgia people might have for this game but I tried it and most of the characters suck ass.

For a game that went through development hell however, it could have been a lot worse so I respect you Sakurai and Iwata.

I was trying to think of a unique joke to avoid saying what everyone else has been saying but what is the point?

Should have been bundled with the Switch for free.

Evil EA be like: we will not make the difficulty so high to the point where buying micro transactions is totally necessary.

God where do I even begin with this one? Yet another indie game that represents the main issue I have with all promise but no delivering.

There are some sections that felt really cool! Nice of the devs to place those bits in the trailer whilst the unpolished pieces remained absent, I swear the trailer basically shows off all the parts of the game I liked the most. There is a good concept here but this game lacks so much polish from the graphics which look like a flash game, all the way to the horrific sound design and subpar gameplay.
The boss fights are possibly my favourite part because of the interesting concepts they present, like how you play the boss of an RPG. The execution of some of these though are mixed.

The only reason this isn't lower is because some of the writing is pretty funny and makes some of the characters memorable but that's also few and far between. To this game's credit, it's the indie title that made me be more careful when buying indie games.

Only played a couple of matches online and it's gameplay is heavily flawed and lacking any enjoyment. Everyone in my lobby was a complete idiot and all the different roles are too chaotic for my taste. I also hate how short the time limit is so you can barley discuss all possibilities with the amount of people still alive so I experienced so many shots in the dark.

Best to play this with a massive friend group on voice. Otherwise just play the game in real life or use a free website for this game format because Town of Salem is a trash game made by trash developers.

This is the New Super Mario Bros game that made me realise how similar the other games were getting. It wasn't until U when I realised that I ultimately don't give a single shit about this series at all.

Even if I don't care about the series, I still like how they were at least unique in some aspects but this game is legit the same as the original except with more gold coins.

Sonic Blast me to the moon and never come back.

This game is probably a lower score but I have so much nostalgia for it that I can't bring myself to give it a lower score.
I can't deny that beating up robots with a friend is still fun to this day; I can tell the people making this actually cared about it.

The idea to put micro transactions in this already soulless toys to life game is a good way to get a 1 out of 10.

Campaign has some good moments and wholesome character interactions but the story feels like your really generic here is America winning the war again story. Why not do something interesting like showing the Russians like WAW did? Maybe get a focus on Germany, Japan or even the United Kingdom. Oh wait it's Activision so screw trying anything new.

Multiplayer is loot box galore. It lacks any diversity in the guns and the maps are just really bad. I recommend seeing this review done by The Act Man as he explains amazingly why the multiplayer, the map design in particular, sucks in comparison to previous games in the series:

Nazi Zombies is SO BAD! The Act Man's feeling on the zombies mode are pretty much on parr with my feelings with it being too convoluted with all these mechanics, sets and even more loot boxes. I miss the days where I could simply just boot up a game of zombies and have a simple fun time in this arcade game mode.

Like I say with Call of Duty Ghosts, fuck this game.

What can I say that already has been said?
Campain is meh, the multiplayer maps are too large for their own good and Extinction is just... Well for starters you only get an essentially tiny map which feels like a demo in comparison to the larger, story focused DLC maps so that's poggers.

Fuck this game and the Call of Duty games that follow it.

Campaign is confusing, convoluted, uninteresting and isn't really connected to the previous Black Ops lore at all.

Multiplayer has uninspired map design for a game focused on more player mobility like your jumpack. The fact not all guns are free from the beginning and you have to use COD points to unlock more just reminded me why I stopped playing Call of Duty ages ago, thank fuck I dropped this series after Ghosts.

The new zombies maps are very convoluted and with Shadows of Evil being the only free map, it's pretty silly how I have to keep replying the same shit in order to understand what I have to do. I like what they're trying to do by giving us more stuff to do in the map but I like previous zombies maps because they understood that sometimes less is more.
I only bought this game for Zombie Chronicles anyway so the rest of this game is utterly meaningless to me.