As far as third-person shooters go, it takes a while for this one to pick up. The gunplay itself feels pretty shallow and stiff without the use of powers and not having many puzzles to interact with while playing the game can make you feel like you're just wandering around endlessly listening to whatever dialogue the game has in store for you. However, the dialogue and the lore are definitely the game's bread and butter. They have put so much love and thought behind it that they even incorporated TV show-like episodes into the video game where the consequences of whatever actions/choices you made in-game directly affects the outcome IN THE SHOW (I'll be the first to say that I've never played a game with that feature before and I welcome it) They also had a lot of "narrative" collectibles you could pick up (to add on more layers to the story) but the gameplay loop to seek those out while progressing through the campaign could've been more to be desired. It basically boiled down to constantly spamming the "Time Vision" power in fear of not missing one. It's definitely a slow burn but thankfully the game provides amazing visuals and a well told story. If time travel excites you then you're in for a treat with this one.

Reviewed on Aug 09, 2023
