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1 day

Last played

July 27, 2023

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To everyone who has recommended this as the best VN I need to ask - do you read books?

Aggressively gauche piece with the malformed bones of a decent narrative. Insists on making incest and pedophilia justifiable in the narrative for some reason. Narrative beats indulge in a deluge of pointless details and tired anime clichés. Also feels the need to explain literally everything to the reader. It tried explaining to me misdirection and I nearly quit playing the game. That was a mistake.

The creator wrote it earnestly enough, there's no malice here. A story about an intersex person in a cursed house, the subtext should be worn on its sleeve. Instead we get a series of imprudent narratives which only serve to propel a tired tale of revenge and redemption.

I'll sum it up with an event from the game

"The world around me went brown"
And they proceeded to dunk her head in shit

How I felt the entire time.