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June 7, 2024

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I have finally. Finally finished Sonic The Hedgehog (2006). Thank god. The characterization is amazing. The soundtrack is top tier and one of my favorites in the entire series AND overall. Shadow's Story is well written. The CGI cutscenes are just gorgeous.

The loading screens. Yeah my god they are bad. I'm sure they aren't as bad as on Xbox, but man on Playstation can they be long as hell and annoying. When you talk to an NPC, they gave you a side quest and you said yes and loading screen. Then give you information that's obvious or that you already know and... loading screen. It's crazy that you need a loading screen just for a single piece of dialogue to get into ANOTHER loading screen. The story as a whole though? Is garbage. Awful. Convoluted. Filled with plot holes. Sonic's story is god awful. Silver's story is bad. Elise is such a boring and bland character that I can't find anything great about her. Nothing special about her like with Blaze, Amy, and Rouge. Just.... nothing. They hardly used Blaze AT ALL until the ending of Silver's story. Which is disappointing. The gameplay.... My god it is... such a awful experience. The level design is god awful. The stages don't seem finished. The gameplay is glitchy and buggy. For example, in Wave Ocean when you're being chase by killer whales, you could miss a dash pad through no fault of your own yet the game is supposed to push you to the next dash pad. The mach speed sections are badly designed and terrible. It seems like a good idea, but the execution is bad.Besides Sonic, Blaze, and Shadow. I hated how each character plays. Knuckles and Rouge get stuck on walls and can't even get off until the game demands it. Tails, Amy, and Silver is slow as hell. The enemy AI is garbage. The boss designs are awful. Silver's gameplay is the worst out of everyone's. I hate how we have to go through the blue side quests in order to go through the story because it just feels like they are trying to pad out the game. The physics are god awful. The game looks ugly. The models are the humans characters look so ugly. Its graphics are just awful. I mean.... how is it that Beyond Good and Evil (a game released on Gamecube) looks better than this game. Uncharted Drake's Fortune on PS3 looks better than this. Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2. Hell Sly 3 looks better than this game. How is that possible that this game looks worse than a PS2 game?

Overall, one of the worst Sonic games I have experience. From its gameplay to its story. Although there are things to praise, the huge amount of flaws outweighs all of the good. It's clear that this game had potential, but Sega of course got way too involved and rushed Sonic Team from the product to be at its full potential. Just an extremely bad game that got rushed and unfinished and is a complete broken product.