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Ngl going back to Freedom Planet 1 after a long time not touching the game in preparation for Freedom Planet 2 (Which I bought today) has been quite the fun experience.

It is admittingly an acquired taste since level pacing can go on for a while and it is also much more challenging than things it's been compared to but I generally really like it. Plus the character writing is so adorable. I love when games have it I notice.

Don't go into it expecting a Sonic Like game because it really isn't. But, if you judge it for what it is I feel like there's a lot of great qualities in it that you might like.

Unless I guess you prefer shorter platformers because each level goes on for like 10-20 minutes unlike a Mario 3 where you blast by em within a few minutes. (I personally can handle it but Freedom Planet levels are pretty beefy and full of stage gimmicks.)

Ngl, I think playing a good chunk of Freedom Planet 2 I am confident atm saying it's my favorite new game I played this year.

It really expanded a lot on what I love about Freedom Planet 1 while adding new stuff like extra characters,hub towns for fun NPC dialogue,pretty good writing,and I guess a more ambitious flavor to it.

Honestly, I guess it was refreshing because I've been feeling pretty apathetic for some reason as of late trying new games but Freedom Planet 1 & especially 2 has been a nice surprise.

It won't be for everyone and it can be challenging but at the same time that's what I love about games like this. It feels tailored to my specific personal taste. Honestly recommend it. Good ass game imo

Not gonna lie, Freedom Planet 2's end game legit is some of my personal favorite content in any 2D Platformer I played. Don't want to spoil it but Freedom Planet 2's final boss is legit 🔥 So so well done imo.

But Freedom Planet 2 taps into that magic sauce for me I guess and 1 as well
Ngl but this game is fucking cringe