I definitely liked this game the most out of all four games. It felt the most streamlined and absent of most of the annoying gimmicks or ideas incorporated throughout the series. That stuff was cool though, and there's definitely some stuff noticeably absent in this game, but I won't get into that. I just think this is a solid game all around.

I guess I'll use this to say my thoughts on the Zero series overall.

I think it was interesting watching the games evolve as I played. It was a continuation of the X series I wasn't entirely expecting, and there were elements I liked and disliked. The cyber-elf system felt initially frustrating, but once you understand how it all works, it gets better. I appreciate how it was improved upon in each game (might be subjective).

Zero was a treat to play as. The controls felt much more fluid and fast than most of the X games, and blasting through enemies with the variety of Zero's weapons was great. I especially loved using the beam saber, because shredding through enemies with it just feels great. The touch of enemies getting sliced in half when you kill them is great too.

Level design could be hit or miss. I think it was mostly solid, but I don't appreciate the spike fetish some levels had.

The story was kind of "eh," I guess. The themes it explored were new for the series, but they never go into too much depth with anything. I wish Zero got more development, because most of the time he's just a stoic badass who seemingly isn't fazed by anything. This is such a far cry from the X series. I haven’t played the ZX games yet, but I hope we get more into story stuff concerning this far future of the Mega Man series.

Overall, I liked these games. They had some problems, but it's good and definitely more consistent than the X series. They aren't too long either, so it's easy to get through and even replay them.

Reviewed on Feb 10, 2022
