6 reviews liked by Superprogamer30

A wonderful game that handles very well some thought-provoking themes such as death and the meaning of our lives. As it is usual in the series the bonds you create with all the characters are so good that by the end of the game you don't want to say goodbye to them. Another highlight is the music, it can’t be a Persona game if the soundtrack isn’t full of bangers that still make you vibe even after playing for 100 hours. If I have any complaints is that the story is a bit slow at the beginning and that even though Tartarus was better than I expected it's still a somewhat weak aspect of the game compared to how good the rest of it is. Nevertheless, the pros massively outweigh the cons so it was a super enjoyable experience that I highly recommend.

This game is pretty unique. I would be lying if I said that I completely loved it, as the gameplay was entertaining but not really my thing and I didn't get attached to many of its characters. However, the message it conveys, the story and great moments, especially towards the end, and the phenomenal soundtrack make it a completely worthwhile experience.

Si me encantó sin tener apenas gameplay no me quiero imaginar lo que sería jugarlo en la DS, el mejor a nivel narrativo de lo que he jugado de la saga.

Fan absoluto de este juego, personajes con buen desarrollo, historia atrapante, gameplay original, música sublime y un mundo que logra su propósito de hacerte sentir ínfimo.

La mejor historia de la saga sin ninguna duda, madura y sin política innecesaria, acompañada del mejor protagonista con mucha diferencia. Gameplay innovador respecto a GBA, narrativa muy cuidada y dificultad desafiante, altamente recomendable.