There was a lot I liked here but a lot that I didn't. I loved the soundtrack, the gambit system was one of the most unique and entertaining combat systems I've played, and I enjoyed exploring the world. That being said I did not care about the story. It's extremely politics heavy and I had trouble keeping track of what was going on; making some of the later moments of the game fall a bit flat for me. I also felt it lacked many compelling characters. Besides Balthier who I loved; most of the characters in the game just don't have much about them I find likable or interesting. The English voice acting also felt hit or miss to me; with performances sounding either pretty good or devoid of emotion (the low audio quality doesn't help). Like I said the gameplay was great, but in a series that can have some really good stories, I felt just a bit let down by 12 even with all the things it does great.

Reviewed on Sep 19, 2023
