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Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

July 3, 2024

First played

June 28, 2024

Platforms Played


This game is insane as hell. You play as a taxi who can't jump, only accelerate, and use momentum to traverse through tons of worlds, collecting gears, in order to progress to the next level. It sounds like such a simple loop that so many platformers have done before, but what makes yellow taxi stick out so much is how it handles its movement. As I mentioned before, there is no jump button in this game, only a boost forward. This boost, however, is insanely fun to use and get good at. Launching yourself off a ramp with perfect timing to nail a super boost and shoot in the air, before boosting again in mid air to get an insane amount of distance was a feeling that never got old. You can tackle so many of the collectibles in so many different ways, it took me back to playing Mario 64, and experimenting with crazier and crazier methods in order to get some stars. It helps too that theres a good amount of variety in terms of what you'll be doing. One second you're in a giant pinball machine, careening off the bumpers, and the next you're playing crazy taxi all over a huge city. Def pick this up if you're a fan of platformers in the slightest because my god is this a blast.