This is THE best game of the DS. No, I won't elaborate.

People often say this is the weakest in the series and I don't know what to think about that.

This game is the foundation of the whole series, as well as in my opinion having the best tone than the other Danganronpa games I've played (I've only played the second game and Another Episode). This is the only game that makes you feel like everyone is part of this small community despite being in this large location of the school. Yes, the second game takes place in multiple islands, but this one is in a indoors and closed location. It gives this sort of home-like and chill place despite it being a killing game. I can't quite explain it in detail, but that's what I think

The music helps with this small community tone especially, and honestly, the music also makes me feel nostalgic for this game despite never playing it until this year.

If this series ended it off with only this game, this would be satisfying. I just wished this game was more respected among people, because it's often trashed for its community. You can not like this game, I'm fine with that, but I feel like a lot of the people talking about this game negatively are about the community rather than the game.

Oh and this game doesn't have Teruteru so THERE.

Still salty that the original bite sized beats is gone

Can we talk about how fire the main theme is? Also the guy on the right of the poster looks like the Nostalgia Critic.

My first time playing on the Switch was the funniest shit I've ever seen. I understand this is a 5 year old system, but oh my god you can see how much the Switch struggles to run the game. The players are in such low frame rate it's comical.

The gameplay itself is neat, but I really hate that it doesn't have the unique system that it had with the crowns. A currency that you can't buy yourself to get, is just non existent now. It made this game a lot more special and made almost everyone on the same level in terms of who can win. In fact, the actual cosmetics you're able to buy as a f2p is pathetic. I understand they need to have income somewhere, but comparing it to how it was when it was paid, the cosmetics looked a lot more high quality. F2ps are stuck on buying items WEEKLY because the daily section is barely filled with items that can be bought with the F2P currency. Even when they is in fact a few, they're most often boring-looking. I loved how ungreedy this game was, but man, Epic Games really do ruin everything. It really managed to be worse than its mobile game rip-off: Stumble Guys.

This is basically a Diet Mario Strikers with its expressive animation, banging soundtrack, and full of character. I honestly forgot that Square Enix is actually good at making games (thanks to what they've done a ton recently).

Although it eventually loses its steam, this is such a cute and quirky game. Has a ton of personality with its weird humor and cutscenes, giving it character despite it being a game full of inserts rather than having preset ones. However, Miitopia's character creator really makes me want to have it here.

This review was written before the game released

A fantastic alternative to Smash Bros. I love how much it tries to be its own thing with its movement and focus on teams. I also like that this builds upon what Smash Bros doesn't have, like unique losing animations and conversations between each character. Of course, I'll always like Smash Bros the best, but this still has its own fun. The packs are shit though like how is 40 dollars the cheapest option?!

Love the aesthetic of it all, giving it more personality than other games in the genre. Kirby is cute as always, and the price is actually really good. I also like the decision of not being f2p as all the cosmetics can be unlocked without paying. The internet can be really bad though, and I usually get lag spikes in at least every game. Not bored of it yet, but it's obvious that it's best to be played in little bites.

Finally, they did the bare minimum of what a sequel should do! Anyway, beautiful music, great art direction, bad graphics and set design tho. Locations felt empty sometimes, but it wasn't as bad as Pokémon Gen 8's Wild Area. Very cool game still, especially with the focus of catching pokemon, rather than battling. Plus, love the gameplay of the bosses!

So simple, yet so charming. This is practically a steal for the price. Also I really love Toree birb. Very cute and has a unique design.

I'm going to be honest: I only got this game because it had Pheonix Wright, my favorite fictional lawyer. However, once I actually played the game, I learned how polished and fun the game overall is. I love the movesets and the character roster is actually pretty solid. However, it is still missing key characters like Black Widow, Moon Knight, and Megaman himself. Anyway, I especially love the music, like goddamn it makes me so pumped. The fighting itself can be pretty spammy, but the actual hits themselves feel so satisfying. Man, I love this game.

At first, the concept and gameplay are engaging and fun. Eventually, that feeling begins to wear out. However, that repetitiveness only comes towards the end of the story mode. See, that sounds like a great sign, but the story mode is actually very short. Yes, it does have a large amount of post game content, but it made me want more. Whatever, besides its issues I still really enjoyed the game for its innovation and graphics.

I loved every second of replaying this masterpiece. Tons of replayablility, character, charm, and creativity. Honestly, probably the best tower defense game ever.