I played this a decade ago and couldn’t get past the final boss lol.

This game relies on modding. This is a recipe for failure. They released an unfinished game and expected people to finish it for them.

Because it relies on mods, console players get a nothing game that is just rivals of aether but worse. The full game is incomplete and costs like 20$.

One other main gripe with not only this game, but also a lot of smash clones is how they never know what they want to be.

The game blends casual and competitive in an ugly matter, which turns away Melee and Traditional fighting game fans.

Most of the roster are assists, which turns away people wanting the game to be like Brawlhala and Ultimate. Plus, those fans are already happy with their endless never ever third Pablo’s.

The workshop is leagues behind Rivals 1, making it the superior option in that regard.

Not much reason to shill 20$ on an early access fighting game that does less than another in every category. Kinda same can be said for Cross Impact.

The average smash clone.

Can’t decide between casual and competitive.

Roster is only whatever indie characters the creators can scrounge.

Early Access.

Honestly, Smash, Brawlhalla, and Rivals of Aether Workshop might make every smash clone fail.

If this wasn’t switch exclusive, it would be a 10

Indie sequel, rougelike, does things worse than 1. Rip lol.