*Played the Ultimate HD version with M+KB controls after giving it a fair shot with a controller. Neither option is significantly better or worse than the other for this game, but I felt like I could adjust to the M+KB controls quicker.

But with that out of the way... What the hell Capcom? Actually, no. What the hell RE fans? This is the masterpiece of the series? The cream of the crop? The one that some insane people say is the only one worth playing? Maybe... if your idea of fun is being surrounded by 20 enemies in a tiny ass room/corridor where you can't even aim while running. And no, I'm not blaming the game or the devs. This was 2005 afterall, and they were still experimenting. But man, did it take me wayyy too long to get used to. In fact, I don't think I ever truly "got used" to the controls.

In a sense, this can be considered a positive. This is single-handedly the most stressful experience I have had with a game. Between the sometimes-insane number of enemies, awkward controls, and awful QTE's that are a product of its time, there were definitely plenty of moments that had my heart racing a million miles a minute and kept me sweating, just hoping that I don't get killed before I reach the next checkpoint. There was an especially awful sequence on a mine cart in Chapter 4 that takes what feels like forever, just to die at the end to a random QTE I did not expect.

While it may seem like I hate this game, something kept me playing (albeit with long breaks). Between the goofy ass story and overwhelming sense of relief and satisfaction I get from making progress, I can still say I had quite a bit of fun. Don't get me wrong, I still prefer the PS1-era games, and I do blame RE4 for taking the series in a direction I really didn't like (sorry, but RE5 and 6 are just awful). However, I think that it does what it sets out to do well enough and with minimal hard stumbles given how long it is compared to your average RE game.

I would sooner replay any of the classic PS1 titles than ever touch this game again, if only for how much anxiety I endured playing through it. But while I wasn't crazy about it, it was still a very memorable experience. With the RE2 remake being my 2nd favorite game in the franchise (with the original RE2 being my favorite), I am eager for the RE4 remake to hopefully fix most of the issues I had with this one and deliver a true masterpiece in my eyes.

Reviewed on Sep 06, 2022
