One of the best hidden object games. But sad it doesn't support windows 10 and up.

For an 80s game this was really ahead of it's time with the interrogation, the investigating mechanics, and with voice acting. The bad things about this game is that you must do a certain thing to continue to the game, also the interrogation is really tedious asking the people the same things to get a tiny progress. But the mystery of the game is good. The more you investigate this murder the more you realize there's more underneath this crime.

Gave me the Yakuza brainrot. That says a lot.

This was the first game that made me play a ton of games in this genre. Hotel Dusk has a fantastic story and wonderful characters. The only bad thing about this game is that you can get lost easily a spoilerless guide wouldn't hurt and the last puzzle was so hard to solve without having a black light.