Hard West 2015

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A incredible RPG experience! It's similar to XCOM with the two-actions a turn ability and instead of the ability to overwatch, if your character has a weapon out they'll often automatically fire at an enemy who comes towards them. The story is weird west, meaning it's a wild-west story with elements of fantasy such as demons and playing cards that give your characters numerous abilities that use luck as a resource not only for abilities, but also give you a chance to avoid getting shot as, unlike XCOM, you don't have a army behind you and only a limited number of companions and your main character to explore the west with.

A interesting element to the game is whenever you unlock relic-like weapons, such as Baby No.9 (a 9 barreled shotgun) you perminantly unlock these goods from the Fate trader at ANY point during the campaign, allowing numerous and endless replayability, especially as one achievement involves killing someone with their own weapon, that you acquired in a different story during the campaign and were able to buy off the fate trader. I highly recommend this not only to those who enjoy turn-based games, but also, RPGs with involving stories as not every situation will call for you to draw your guns.