This was a really fun playstation game that I remember enjoying a lot as a kid and it's still got that funny looney tunes humour which brings a smile to my face.

Bugs Bunny gets lost as he often does making a wrong turn at Albuquerque and discovers a time machine that he thinks is somekind of carrot juice machine and ends up in nowhere. A tutorial location for all the mechanics, including jumping, digging in holes, kicking enemies and using ears to slow down falling in a kind of gliding way.

This is one of those games where you unlock new levels and places to travel by collecting items like say, the dark hearts in Vexx or something. In this game it's clocks and golden carrots. Normal carrots are often collected both to get enough to get gold ones and used to save yourself, similar to golden rings in Sonic.

There's no big story to it beyond getting these clocks to travel on, but it isn't needed for this and it's a lot of fun interacting with all the other characters from the Looney Tunes universe with Elmer Fudd, Yosemite Sam, The Witch, Tweety, Silvester, Marvin the Martian and many more!

I had issues with emulation a while ago, but I hope to get back to this and finish it!

Stream + Gameplay

Reviewed on Nov 12, 2023
