A classic I remember playing a lot at home and with friends at the local youth club. Created by the same team that brought us Goldeneye (even including a few levels from there) this FPS has you play as a secret agent with a huge variety of guns and gadgets to assist in your missions.

An aspect that I loved in this game was how every weapon has a secondary fire option. Things from using a gun's handle to knock out enemies and changing weapons from semi-auto to full auto to going from unarmed karate chop to disarm and change a assault rifle into a sentry gun to stick on a wall.

The multiplier is pretty insane for a console game of that generation as not only does it have the 4 player combat, but you can play with a large number of bots which was something I had never seen before, having only played console games in the past and never saw again until Time Splitters.

Wished this was made for the modern day as with Internet the way it is these days, we can have much more stable play sessions. Especially for other games with connectivity like Urban Chaos: Riot Response.

I'm putting this on the backlog as I'll be returning to this sometime.

Stream + Gameplay

Reviewed on Nov 12, 2023
