As the subtitle suggests, this is a game based on Tezuka Osamu's (the father of manga) Dororo. For those who don't know, much like myself before playing this, the story is of a Feudal Lord who offers his son to 16 demons, who all take 16 parts from his child that he attempts to dump, but is found and nursed back to health by a expert in prostetics.

This child becomes Hyakkimaru, a travelling Ronin who have the ability to detect evil and quests to destroy demons to get his body parts back!

Dororo is a young boy he comes across who helps him on his journey when battling these demons and saving innocent people along the way.

It's well worth getting to watch if you have a chance, but if you don't want to spoil it totally, play the game which is so much fun!

It's a 3rd person fighting game where you can switch between using a sword with his prostetic arms or remove them and reveal the blades beneath! The game's RPG mechanics have it where your blades level up the more you use them so that you're ready for the next demon battle and with each new part you obtain, you grow slowly stronger!

The main demons are discovered in the storyline, however, there are many that are hidden throughout the large levels that you get to travel and will unlock yet another missing part of your body. The more parts you get, the easier the next battle will be due to how much stronger you will become!

That said, certain ones are sealed off and hidden either behind a unbreakable wall or something else that requires a new ability to unlock so you'll have to revisit areas to try and find these demons and obtain all of your body parts. Especially needed when you wish to fight the final boss who has your last body part!

The tutorial is in a greyscaled appearance, but after you kill the main demon you recover an ear which makes everything come into colour and you can hear clearly now! With your hearing you come across the commotion of people running from a monster, besides one brave boy who is fighting against the demon and helps you to dispatch it.

I highly recommend this game for anyone who is a fan of hack-and-slash games and you will not be disappointed with the amount of replay-ability that you'll get here too as it's so much gory fun!

Gameplay + Stream

Reviewed on Nov 24, 2023
