A game that is filled with 80s cheese! Gunning down nameless villains in the name of PEACE! and 'Merica! Game-play and Graphics are solid. Sound effects are both awesome and hilarious.

The way to gain lives is quite unique and gives for more flexible game-play, as well as a way to get rid of your current bro if you dislike them, such as with certain characters I dislike, like Conan the Brobarian and I can swap him for a random character I've unlocked which is always great and there are many captives near bosses too, letting you change tactics, but due to the randomness, you may get a character you are even worse with, but with how great the game is it's forgivable with endless continues and even continuing from a mid-point continue so you can face the boss again and again at full strength.

I highly recommend this game, even at full price. It's worth every penny and even has a re-play value to it too!

Reviewed on Dec 05, 2023
