I found that this game was absolutely wonderful! The DLC adds a lot to do in the game and though I'm certainly not a Lore master of LoTR, this brought me back to loving the world with talks of Sauron and the Lord before him as well as many other different parts of middle earth's history that get discussed in this through collectables and appendix.

The gameplay is like a mix of Arkham and Assassin's Creed. The latter from the parkour, which when people first saw this game advertised at E3, made people scream "AC rip off!" but beyond this mechanic there is the typical counter system from the Arkham games, but many interesting new things based on the game itself! For example, you slow time as you try to fire arrows at Uraks, but this charge runs down and you can even gain the ability to set enemies on fire too.

One mechanic I loved in this game was the Nemisis system where you can watch Captains grow more and more powerful. This gets much more fun when you can brand them and help your little captain become all big and powerful to finally become a chieftain, however you could also do something fun like turning all the warchief's bodyguards to your side and when you lure him out, set the bodyguards on him! This leads to endless fun, especially when you can control and shadow mount creatures too for added destruction!

Any fan of open world games like AC or the Arkham games will enjoy this as will any fan of the LoTR movies. Especially those who read the books as the creators try to be inventive with the unique main emissaries such as "The Hammer" "The Tower" and "The Black Hand" of Sauron.

Reviewed on Dec 06, 2023
