This was a fun bit of nostalgia from my PS2 days really. It's a very fun Rockstar game, however like many of their games it isn't optimised too well for PC with issues with sound I often found. The interesting idea of this game is that you are playing a kid and not an adult causing chaos like in a typical GTA game. I believe they should try something like this again as I'm sure it'd be well worth the interest.

Edit: I had a lot of fun with this game, no matter which version I played, regardless of if it's on here or console called "Canis Candem Edit" which I really don't get.

You play this kid who hates his parents and gets dumped off at a supposedly prestigious academy where he immediately gets into a fight and has someone wanting to be his friend so that he could show him the ropes and how to do things and exactly what kinds of gangs there are around here. Personally I really liked the geeks who are all stereotypes, but they also create their own fun weapons in the form of fire crackers, rockets and other fun things that often do much more damage than your bare fists can manage.

You do have some romance options in this game too with some of the girls you get to meet from their different factions and the same humour is here as with all the other GTA games. It's just a shame Rockstar don't have the balls to ever make a sequel to this due to people getting angry at it's initial release.

Reviewed on Dec 08, 2023


6 months ago

Good review. I'm surprised you managed to even get it running on PC- it's the only game I've ever successfully refunded on Steam because the dang thing kept crashing.

Controversy isn't the reason they haven't made a sequel lol, it's prioritization of GTA online (and GTA in general).

Btw, if you want me to get notified of a reply, you have to @ me on Backloggd.

6 months ago


This was quite a while ago. Chances are, probably had to look up stuff to edit it and get it working, though then again, still had a lot of fun.

I always thought it was controversy in the same way that Bethesda make kids unkillable and such, so modders make them killable again. Stuff like that. Like how Bioware toned down nudity after Mass Effect since so many people complained about it, linking video games to being only for kids.

I'm not certain since Bully came out many years before GTA V, however, you're probably right that they certainly wouldn't be focusing on it now due to their love of GTA Online and Red Dead Online due to the freemium stuff that gives them a endless supply of revenue. Sadly that's all these companies care about these days...

6 months ago

Yeah, I definitely want to experience it, but it'll have to be through my Xbox haha.

I mean they would probably tone down stuff in a sequel, this isn't the early-2000s anymore as you astutely pointed out where video games were a lot more unhinged in sexuality haha, but Bully sold nowhere near as much as RDR or GTA and that's where the company goes. It's like why we haven't gotten an LA Noire sequel yet.

6 months ago


Sadly sales are often a reason too, though I don't know the real numbers of the situation, but far too often you have companies who say something "Performed Under Expectations" which, their expectations, are often impossible to accomplish. Especially in regards to EA where they keep cutting down on costs, but are somehow expecting the next game to make triple the sales with half the money of the previous game. It's a insane bit of logic there.

That said, Rockstar aren't quite as bad as EA (though with their online services with GTA V and Red Dead Redemption, they're getting there...) so there may always be hope of them one day revisiting the game, but I doubt it'll happen. Imagine them attempting to do this with Bully? Bully Online. I'm sure the video game haters out there would have a field day with that.

6 months ago

Yeah, you nailed it brother- money talks is what matters. Gotta be honest though, a Bully Online would be kinda interesting haha.

If it makes you feel better, Wikipedia says there have been discussions about a Bully 2, so perhaps it could occur after GTA 6?

6 months ago


Who knows. I mean, Beyond Good and Evil 2 was teased so many, MANY, years before it was even in preproduction and Ubisoft trying to dangle it as a carrot to inflate sales of other games.

A Bully Online I can imagine courting lots of controversy from the usual pundits. The kind who agreed with Australia having Rimworld remove the ability to grow and use drugs.

6 months ago

Yeah, true, but at least it came out!

Lmao, yeah, Australia is surprisingly strict when it comes to video game censorship. Not sure why.