A incredibly difficult puzzle game involving manipulating the gravity and spinning the area as if you would spin a painting. There is a rewind button, much like how the Prince of Persia games had it where you could undo a mistake or realise if you moved a certain orientation faster or slower or even start from the beginning to try a different path.

This game is incredibly difficult and I'd only recommend it for those who are great at puzzle games and enjoy them thoroughly. I found it very difficult and once stopped I couldn't do anything without a guide as they are incredibly difficult.

Reviewed on Dec 09, 2023


6 months ago

Dang, I like puzzle games, but man, if it's as difficult as you say, I'm curious why you gave it such a great rating?

6 months ago


tbf, many of these reviews are copy/pasted from my steam reviews and it's been several years since I've played the game in question.

That said, despite my struggle with it, that doesn't mean you'll struggle too. Afterall, though I like puzzles I'm kinda crap at them. Not to mention, it's well made so I can't rate it too low because it's not poorly made, like say, Resident Evil: Survivor or another game.

Is 3.5 really a "great rating"? I'm terrible with ratings really and put too much thought into it, generally if anything I'd say a 3 is meh-good so it's slightly better, but it's not a game I really enjoyed and couldn't stop playing as is the case with 4-5 stars.

3 months ago

Lol mate, the reason I never got your reply is b/c you misspelled my name.

Yeah, you're right that I could end-up enjoying it. It seems to be a glorified version of one of those marble maze games, which were kinda fun on Flash back in the day.

Ah yeah, if your review scale is different then that would explain why I'm perceiving it as such lol.

3 months ago

@RedBackLoggd Whoops, I added an L when one wasn't needed, my bad. Generally I'm pretty generous in regards to my scoring, unless a game has gone out of it's way to insult be for being SO bad!

3 months ago

All good, and LOL, that makes sense. I actually got the game for free on the EGS so I may try it out eventually.