(Like many of these reviews, this is copied from my Steam reviews)

I have already played this game via buying a soldout software collection. I spent many hours playing this game and I admit I needed a walk-through as the difficulty of this game is based on you have a limited number of days, based on the storyline.

The Story: For those who don't know, you start out as a vault dweller whose parents took shelter in vault 13 along with many others to avoid the coming nuclear missiles at the height of World War 3. The residents are meant to stay in the vault until such a time as the radiation levels have gone down low enough as to not be a issue, however your vault's water chip has broken. The main source of drinking water based on a recycling system in the vault. As they have no other option, they need to send out one of the residents and you volunteer to enter a world that has completely changed since your ancestors walked the surface during the war and find a new water chip as the Overseer knows of a nearby vault (Vault 15) which may have a spare chip to use.

The combat system is turn-based and on a invisible hex-grid. It is also based on Action Points and in combat uses what was called the VATS system where you can aim for a specific point on the creature, but if you were to take the trait that lets you shoot more often (forgot it's name) you will be unable to do accurate aiming. It's a old-school PC RPG where your decisions are totally up to you and ethics are optional in how you get the waterchip or where from. With multiple endings and detailed telling of what happened to the places you visited, after you left leaves the game open for many multiple playthroughts for endless gameplay and always discover new things and Easter eggs such as "the holy hand grenade." and other references too numerous to count.

A brilliant game and well worth a purchase if you are after a old-school RPG, but as it is so old and not altered for modern systems (unlike on GoG) you will need to look up how to run the game without weird graphical glitches.

Edit: Recently been re-playing this after recent news of Fallout 76 (urgh) and One issue I had with the game I found instantly resolved. You have a limited time to get the water chip, but if you gain enough caps you can pay the water merchants to go there with a large supply of water, however, it's not indefinite, but it does give you an extra 100 days to play with, which is good with you're struggling with time.

It also amazes me that in this game, you can go in with whatever build you want and come out on top, you can go all charisma based and talk your way through encounters and situations. Unlike more recent games, you can create any kind of build and finish the game, making it feel like it's your story, no one else's.

Reviewed on Dec 09, 2023
