This game is really awesome! It blows most indie games out o the water with it's creative atmosphere. There is no reading for dialog and no voices as it is all monologued by the first man you meet in the game and it's done beautifully.

The RPG elements revolve around the bar you first build where as you go up in levels you gain slots to put in different potions that give your characters different passive/conditional boosts like 15% damage resistance, +10% max health and many others. Also you are able to upgrade your weapons from the items you pick up, each one giving your weapon a different boost like faster reload time, increased damage and you have to choose between the two, but once it's bought you can alter the upgrades to change for whatever situation you think you'll run into like increasing the spread of a blunderbuss or instead going for improved damage.

You also get a chance to go to what's known as "Who-knows-where" to fight waves of enemies to grind out xp and "cash".

Reviewed on Dec 13, 2023
