Been playing this game on and off and I love Neus the sexy goth girl! Perfect in every way, imo!

Anyway, it's disappointing that this game hasn't been finished after all these years, but having a loot at patreon, work is still being done on it and it is the work of a single studio so it's hard to criticise much. Not to mention, English isn't their native language so they have to navigate that minefield of a language that happens to be my own mothertongue.

The story is your roommate goes mad, attempting to rape a random girl in the woman's bathroom, she screams and to continue this story to punch the crap out of him, however, later he starts feeling ill back at the place and changing. Becoming more feminine and the girl admits she put a spell on him, turning him into a girl and opening up a potential romance route there.

The game is mostly smut and magic, not to mention the main character having such a huge cock that you'd swear he was part horse or elephant or something. I mean DAMN!

There are some very fun elements and I'll be looking forward to when I can play the full version in the future.

Reviewed on Feb 05, 2024
