A quite fun little clicker game where you can play as different races and then have a soft-reset in a rogue-like style by gaining items and abilities that pass over with each different life that you take, often benefiting certain races more than the others. Later you're able to unlock more races and even the mercenary clan who can use all kinds of abilities from all the different factions to mix and match, creating some truly impressive combinations, though most of those I found by looking up guides online.

Being so addicted to this there's always the chance I may return to it again, but for now I have no issue just leaving it as it is whilst I try to work on finishing other games and writing up more reviews for Backloggd and other places!

It's certainly quite enjoyable, especially with the collectables found when excavating that unlock abilities and races. Often only unlockable via certain clans and not others.

Reviewed on Feb 05, 2024
