A very fun survival horror game that, despite trailers suggestions, is more combat heavy, closer to RE4 and 6 than the classic Silent Hill games.

I'll explain in a little more detail. You start out attending to an emergency and the police have been wiped out already and you need to take down a dangerous patient at this asylum, but things all immediately start going wrong and strange with the world getting more and more warped.

Your first bit in the game you are trapped and unarmed in the same room as a crazy chainsaw-wielding psycho that you have to hide from and escape back into an elevator and get the hell out of there! It's very scary as you cannot defend yourself and gives me a retro feel to the RE and Silent Hill games.

However, after this you generally face your enemies in the same way as RE4 and RE6, shooting enemies down with a variety of different weapons, which are all pretty fun going from the conventional like pistols and shotguns to one of the really cool and crazy ones being a crossbow with many mechanical parts and the ability to shoot lightning or explosive harpoons!

There's also a mysterious location you get to go to, to level up your abilities, gained from some random green goo that enemies drop, that you use in a way like exp when applying it to either your stats or many different weapons.

The monsters are very creepy and evoke that horror of those classic genres it leans heavily on and are very creepy. I really do love the designs of the common enemies and the boss characters like the horrifying Executioner with his safe for a head and the creepy witch monster with long and many taloned hands. The combat is fun and memorable, though I feel the characters are pretty weak and generic.


Reviewed on Feb 10, 2024
