This one took a while to complete because of a confusion between strategy guides. It seems the original PS4 version has the Ace on the first mission placed in a COMPLETELY different location than the one here on the PC where he's nowhere near the battlefield. I've played that mission atleast four times before I found out the one guy I took out to the North-East wasn't the ace!

Venting aside, much like the beach episode, you need to take out the aces in the first two missions that you play to unlock the third and final mission of this storyline.

The story is that a group of side-characters (all who have their own side-missions in squad stories) get together after learning that Ragnarök (Rags the Team Mascot dog) has gone AWOL due to Zaiga not having fed him, so now they have to find him and bring him back, however, hijinks ensue as they come across the empire, fighting large numbers of soldiers and when they finally get back they claim that they were having a picnic, which then spiraled into a snowball fight, a fight against bears and using explosives to create shelters from a blizzard. The names of the missions are a reference to the Teddy Bears' Picnic too.

The third mission is where Claude feels the team needs to prove what happened by, how else, fighting their commander and main characters! Yes, you have to fight the main characters and defeat them!

Afterwards, you get rewarded with more weapons, some of which being pretty damn powerful that'll help you out in the main campaign.

This is a fun edition for characters that don't get much of a screen-time otherwise and it also allows you the chance to fight against the main characters and see how you actually measure up against them!

Reviewed on Jun 19, 2024
